Priyanshi shah

Eyes of change

Once upon a time,

While walking as the wind takes me,

From a busy Neverland,

I saw the sadness beneath the Laughing,

Circling the myriads of chaos,

And whispering through winds,

The presence holds me,

In my house of fear,

And I realised we are all the same,

Our eyes experience,

Hidden mysteries and hope,

Laughter in sorrow,

The constant battle of Doubting, 

And living a misery,

The endless spectrum of life,

Until the presence walks with me,

To show the unreachable,

And fall from the depths, 

Till the ashes of a new beginning,

Floats in the air,

And clouds of misty vision,

Travel to lose old self,

And find another expression,

In everything and nothing, 

As eyes tell the tale from the beginning,

I am here and there,

Near and far,

Above and below,

With you and within you,

In between,

Like an eye within an eye.

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