Priyanshi shah


In the depths of our emptiness,
We remember our remembrance,
Twisted through the colors of reality,
We cross the mirage of the burning bridge,
And become the ashes of it,
With the rhythm in our soul,
And fire in our gazes,
We discover our hidden ocean of misery,
In the form of formless,
And dance with our chaotic mind,
Touching upon a myriad of hearts,
Resting in the abyss of darkness,
We seek the signs of the presence,
To discover our language together,
As time dissolves in our connection,
We merge in the shadows of our emptiness,
And shared a space of nothing and everything,
Buried in our colorful laughs,
We lose ourselves slowly,
In an attempt to understand,
One another in the world of everything,
As we float in the darkness of illusions.

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